Penile length is normal but is looking buried due to various factors. These patients are obese with prominent and excessive prepubic fat pad. They are very embarrassed with the condition and have difficulty in having a projectile urinary stream.In addition penis looks almost submerged and causes lot of mental anguish and lack of self confidence. The cause for obesity should be evaluated and they are advised diet and exercise regime. In spite of reduction in body weight the suprapubic pad of fat may not regress and the problem may persist. These patients need excision of excess pad of fat (panniculectomy) and fixing the fixing penopubic angle to gain length and make cosmetic appearance good.
Buried penis may also be the result of an overzealous circumcision with subsequent cicatricial scar (trapped penis). The trapped penis is released and there is shortage of skin to cover the penis. This is treated by skin grafting the shaft of penis in a spiral fashion for better cosmetic result.
It can also result from large Inguinoscrotal hernia, or a hydrocele, genital lymphedema. Correction of theses conditions by surgery will restore penile length.
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