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Who Is At Risk Of Developing Impotence?

It is nowadays called as Erectile Dysfunction.

If your erections are not firm enough to allow vaginal penetration, you are impotent. If your erections have necessary rigidity, but only briefly, you may have an impotence problem. If your erection loses its strength upon penetration, once again, you probably have the problem.

Psychological Impotence describes the problem when physical causes are not present. Lot of myths prevail in our part of the world such as loss of semen leads to lot of vitality, erectile dysfunction , wrong notion about penile size and duration of erection. .These factors often concern the patients and may contribute to Psychogenic impotence. Often, pure psychological impotence comes on suddenly rather than over a long period. It can be caused by job stress, a rocky marriage, or financial worries. Any nagging everyday situation, which occupies conscious and subconscious thoughts, can cause impotence. Also, depression can create it. Concern over poor sexual performance can cause it.

Physical Impotence stems from a variety of causes.

Diabetes: Diabetes is the leading cause of impotence. This disease causes damage to large and small blood vessels, resulting in impotence in some men. Diabetes inflicts damage to peripheral nerves also, affecting the brain ability to transmit its wishes to the body. About 50% of all diabetic men become impotent after age 50.

Disease of Blood Vessels: Diseases of blood vessels (atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries) cause reduced flexibility of the tissues, accompanied by a decrease in the inside diameter of the vessel. If obstructed vessels are heart or coronary vessels, the disease produces heart attacks; when it’s to the brain, it produces strokes; and, when it’s to the penis it produces impotence. Another problem, venous leakage, occurs when the penile veins are unable to close fully during an erection. The man may be able to achieve erection or a partial erection, but he cannot maintain it because the blood escapes back into the body.

Pelvic Surgery: Radical pelvic surgery can cause impotence. When surgeons cut through flesh to get to the prostate, the bladder, or the colon during cancer surgery. They sometimes severe nerves connected to the penile area. Impotence is a frequent result.

Spinal cord Injuries: Spinal cord injury victims become impotent as it disrupts the nerve going to the penis causing impotence. Some impotence treatment modalities work in these cases.

Gross Obesity: This is increasing in our country. These obese patients have high incidence of Diabetes, Hypertension and high cholesterol. All these factors contribute to occlusion of penile blood vessel.